Hi friends! How’s your Thursday going so far? Mine’s been a cold, but good and busy one.
The morning absolutely flew. I was originally going to sneak in an early workout, then listened to my (sore) body and decided to give it a rest after last night’s workout and practice.
I left the house right after 9 a.m. to get a spray tan for our big calendar release tomorrow during the Pistons vs. Hawks game! To say I’m a little excited about it is a huge understatement. I’ll be sure to share more details after tomorrow!
I spent some time chatting it up with the salon owner, then hit up the Subway right next door for a late breakfast.
(Whole wheat bread, egg whites, turkey, pepper jack cheese – toasted – with tomato slices and green peppers.)
While I was there, I also went ahead and ordered a chopped salad for lunch, knowing I would only be home long enough to type up this post before getting out the door again!
(Spinach and lettuce mix, plain chicken strips, cheddar cheese, and “the works” for vegetables, minus the red onion and jalapenos with oil and vinegar on the side.)
I also plan on enjoying the unpictured bag of Baked Lays in the car shortly. And just in case you didn’t catch the hint at the bottom of yesterday’s WIAW post, yes, I did in fact have Subway last night for dinner as well. Whoops. I should seriously consider buying stock in that store! Are you guys in need of any Subway Ambassadors? Jared’s got it covered? Oh… okay. 😉
I made a few stops on the way home and one of them was to a Bank of America.
Funny story… after realizing my local branch by the house is relocating I then searched for other locations in my good ‘ol iPhone Navigation app. Several popped up, and I drove over to the closest one. Turns out that was a PNC bank, so I searched again. The second stop took me to a highway ramp entrance. I really felt like someone was trying to play a prank on me or something!
Good news, I finally found a new BOA to handle all of my banking needs just a few miles away from home and paid my first visit this morning. I was on my way home when I then remembered I needed to pick up a few greeting cards and pulled over to a Walgreens.
Walgreens, CVS, Target, you name it this always happens.
I go in for one or two items and come out at least a hundred dollars lighter.
I would usually be more disappointed in myself, but I did pick up a few steals I am excited to feature in tomorrow’s Friday Favorites link up. So we’re all good.
Still Getting Used To Surroundings
Since moving up here, I have relied heavily on my GPS apps on my phone. I really don’t know what I would do without them. If this were thirty years ago and I had to put my driving fate on an old fashioned paper map I would be in some serious trouble, ya’ll.
Anyways, over the past few months I have been trying to ween myself off of the navigation. I have figured out the essential direct routes I need to know (how to get to the arena, to major shopping areas, to the airport, downtown, to the grocery store, etc.) but just can’t seem to put together how to get from one area to another just yet.
After my side trip to Walgreens, I wanted to see how on or off my sense of direction was and decided to head home without any clues. After all, I was only three miles away.
What do ya know… leave it to me to turn the exact opposite way I needed to. I ended up hanging a right instead of a left on my major road home and finally noticed it was the wrong way when I ended up here.
At first I got frustrated, but then I took a second to look around and appreciate the little back road I stumbled upon. Wouldn’t it be cool to live off of one like this?
You definitely don’t get the sight of bare trees like this in Florida!
Eventually, I caved and found my way back home via my iPhone navigation. Sigh.
And here we are! I only have a few minutes to catch up on some emails before I need to get over to Royal Oak for a hair appointment, then I’m off to get my eyebrows threaded. Yup, today is just one of those beauty days. I guess it could be worse.
I am looking forward to a dinner date with Scott tonight (finally!) followed by errands we’ve been putting off as long as we can, like picking out a new vacuum. Ours officially kicked the bucket the other day and I don’t think I can handle tiny green tree needles everywhere anymore.
We both have our hearts set on the Dyson Ball. One of it’s versions. Do any of you own one? Thoughts?
Upcoming Reebok Sales
Before I go, I wanted to let you know that I just got word from Reebok that they’re planning to offer a handful of HUGE Black Friday Weekend promotions. Stay tuned! I’ll release more details the day before Thanksgiving.
Have a wonderful rest of your day!
Questions of the Day
• Have you ever moved to a completely new city? If so, how long did it take you to get used to the surroundings (not rely on maps or apps to get around!)
• Ever tried a Subway breakfast sandwich, pita, or wrap? What’s your favorite kind or combo?

I moved to Monterey, CA from Nashville, TN for almost 2 years (military move with by hubbie). It was a really small town, so it didn’t take me long to feel pretty comfortable there, but I’m sure there were still areas I still don’t know about. Whereas, I know I want to do a lot more exploring in Nashville!
I looooove Nashville! But California seems just as wonderful. Enjoy the west coast!
I don’t personally own a Dyson, but a girl I went to high school with included it on a list of items she was glad to have registered for: http://nshirkman.wordpress.com/2012/03/14/weddingregistryfavs/
Thanks so much for the info, can’t wait to check it all out! 🙂
It took me about 2 years to get used to a town I lived in MN – and then I had to move and learn everything all over again. I’ve been here just over a year and since I have to drive everywhere I think I picked up on this area a lot quicker than last time. Jealous of your beauty day!
It was well overdue… lol. I would say 2 years is a good amount of time to feel completely adjusted. I’ll let you know how it goes down the road!
I moved from Phoenix to the Napa Valley (and then the Bay Area) and since Phoenix is laid out in a near perfect grid, I was completely confused by the windy roads! I eventually got used to them, and I think having to learn a new place with a different set up helped me get a better sense of direction.
Ohhh Napa Valley sounds dreamy! I’ve also heard nothing but great things about Phoenix too. I would love to visit both places!
I moved to a new city in NYS 2 years ago and I’m just starting to really get a sense of the area. It has definitely taken time, but it’s a good feeling to get the hang of it. And subway YUM! There was a period when I was getting veggie subs everyday for lunch. Now I’m craving one haha 🙂
Oh I have certainly been guilty of getting Subway 3-5 times a week at times. It’s a sickness really. 😉
I have a Dyson, and it is amazing. It picks up absolutely everything- seriously I didn’t know my house was that dirty the first time I used it. One thing I don’t like though is the super tight hose. It’s hard to get high places or under the couch unless you hold on to the vacuum but I’m sure it’ll loosen up over time.
We got ours on sale at Macy’s after we got married. It’s a DC40
That’s awesome to hear! Can’t wait to try whatever we end up getting out! Looooove Macy’s (and I hear they’re having a big sale soon!). Thanks for the info! 😀
I moved to a new city (San Francisco) four months ago and i’m expecting it to take a year to get used to it here. West Coast is VERY different from the Midweest!
I can only imagine! I have to say though, I’m kind of jealous. I have only heard amazing things about San Fran!
I can relate to this post on so many levels. I am so directionally challenged it isn’t even funny. It doesn’t take much for me to get turned around and start to panic a little. The GPS on my iPhone has been such a blessing.
Haha, sounds like me! 😉
I just moved to Omaha almost a year ago and am finally started to REALLY know my way around. Don’t get me wrong, though, I definitely still rely on my GPS and Mapquest from time to time! 😉
I just hit the year mark about a month ago. Good to know I’m not the only one who does that!
let us know what you get!!! my fiancé and i are in the market for a new vacuum too and i would loooove a dyson! can’t afford it regular price tho so i’m hoping for a black friday deal! 😉
I am useless without my GPS. I seriously could get lost anywhere.
I always get coupons when I go to CVS, and that usually leads to Unnecessary trips to use my coupons. Sigh.. It’s a vicious cycle.
I moved to the Boston area about 2 and a half years ago and it was a huge adjustment. I still get lost! lol. Especially on running trails – oh man. I am terrible with directions for sure. But I do feel like I can go into some places downtown and I know where I’m going. It’ll come!