Social Media. It’s a beautiful, beautiful thing and any time someone asks what “I do” that is my answer.
Blogging is an obvious answer, but I feel like there’s so much more that goes along with it. In fact, when you think about how far technology has come in the last decade… it’s pretty mind boggling.
It seems like only yesterday I was waiting minutes to connect to the Internet just to talk to my buddies via AOL Instant Messenger. And that was only if no one in the household was on the phone.
Before smart phones, that was the only way to virtually communicate! (Unless you count secret numeric codes on pagers… *143*… oh geez.)
I recently had the opportunity to consult with a company on how important it is to get on social media and make your presence known. With outlets like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube, it only seems silly not to take advantage of the “free media” you can put out there.
But it’s not just for businesses.
Since moving up north, I rely heavily on Facebook and Instagram to keep up with friends and family. I don’t use it as a replacement catch up call, but I appreciate having a way to pop in and give a virtual hello when you only have a minute to do so. And don’t even get me started on remembering birthdays. I’m the worst, and Facebook’s daily reminder box has been a saving grace!
Twitter has helped me connect with other bloggers, healthy living folks, and brands. Known for starting the all-mighty #hashtag, I think too many people overlook the power of tweeting. I still tell myself every day that I need to get more active on it and continue to make the effort!
Part of running this blog is keeping up with other ones and staying connected with you guys. Without my iPhone that just wouldn’t happen. It would, of course, on days where I stay at home to work on the computer, but the way my days have been going lately, I am lucky to plug in at home a few hours a day.
The fact that I can write posts, snap and edit photos, share photos, create and share workouts, read and comment on blogs, and form personal relationships with people and companies all from my phone blows my mind.
I would say phone or iPad, but I haven’t gotten there yet.
Can you believe I still have yet to own my first iPad?
Some argue that social media has taken over our lives. From an older generation’s perspective, I totally get it.
Kids these days (<- wow, did I really just use that phrase?) have their noses buried in games and apps on their iPods or phones instead of in books, and they hangout and chat on Facebook or Skype instead of going outside to “play”. Remember when we used to use house phones to call each other and ask friends if they want to “come over and play?”
These days, I’m not sure exactly how that question would be answered.
Though I could debate on this subject for multiple posts, I’m going to wrap it up by highlighting the benefits of our technological advances and how they have dramatically changed my life.
Through technology, smart phones, and social media outlets, I have finally found a passion that I don’t see leaving any time soon. Besides dancing and my home life, blogging has been the most exciting part of my every day routine for the past few years. I love checking in and sharing with you guys!
Of course there are times where you will find me on my phone where I wish I wasn’t. Of course there are situations I feel uncomfortable in when I want to take a picture of my food or when I have to ask “do you mind if I get a picture with you?” to tell a story. But it’s all part of it, and at the end of the day the awesome outweighs the awkward by a long shot!
How Technology + Blogging Has Changed My Life
I could list about a gazillion ways technology has changed my life for the better, but we’ll stick with the basics.
When I started blogging, it was really just an online journal for me. It was a way to share my wedding plans with my friends and family and I enjoyed the outlet. Then I found other blogs. Then I found healthy living blogs. BOOM. My calling!
I feel like I still have a ways to go, but I couldn’t be happier with how my journey has come along in just about a year and a half through Housewife Glamour. I could literally list a hundred amazing things social media continues to bring me, but I’m going to stick with five:
Workout Motivation/Inspiration
Through following other bloggers, I have gotten the inspiration to run a half marathons, cook, and share my journey of it all with you guys! If there is ever something I am hesitant to try, I search on a blog written about it and see how they handled the challenge. More times than not I become encouraged to go for a new goal!
Healthy Recipes
When we got married, my family joked that Scott would be doing all of the cooking for us. Without following healthy living blogs, I would have never discovered my love for sweet potatoes, quinoa, green smoothies, and more than a handful of other variations of food I turn to on a daily basis!
Do I really need to elaborate here? You all know how life changing this site can be.
Not only have I gotten to know other bloggers through their sites and the heath + fitness network FitFluential, but I attended my first blogging conference this year!
When you regularly follow people and their blogs, you start to feel like you know them. Getting to meet them face-to-face and interact with other people who share a passion for what you do in-person is so cool!
Work Opportunities
Besides freelance and the occasional sponsored work you see appear on this blog from time to time, I have another every day job blogging for a photographer. Since becoming a FitFluential Ambassador just eight months ago, I feel so blessed to be able to consistently work with a handful of huge brands that stand for a purpose to also inspire others. I feel like this is just the beginning!
So… are there times I feel bad for not being able to unplug?
Do I wish I didn’t feel like I have to be connected to my phone at all times of the day? Are there times where I go places and wish I didn’t feel the need to tweet, Instagram, and share on Facebook what I’m doing?
Sure. But, really… what else would I be doing?
And what else would I rather be doing? (Can’t think of much!)
By the way, have you entered to win a FREE pair of Reebok CrossFit Nano’s? That’s right. I post about it online, you enter, a winner will be randomly selected, and that winner then receives a brand new pair of shoes, courtesy of Reebok. Once again, technology: mind = blown!
Question of the Day
• What is your favorite way to connect with others through technology?
I have to go with my iPhone for this one. For writing, my laptop comes in a close second, but if I had an iPad I’m sure that would squeeze somewhere in the top spots too.
Ahhh I admire you! I have a Twitter and Fbook page but it’s so hard to keep up with everything, and then I feel like the same people follow me on most media outlets so if I’ve put it up on Fbook they don’t need to see it on 5 more social media sites :/ I’m so jealous that you got to go to a blogging conference! Definitely on my to-do list in the next year or so. Great post 🙂
I feel the same way too sometimes. But, you just never know where people like to follow you the most! So… I try to keep up with them all as much as I can. 😉
When I first started blogging 4 months ago, I don’t think I realized just how much time it would take with all the social media up-keep. Now I love it! Though, I also need to get better about commenting on Twitter.
Alisha @ Alisha's Appetite
Glad that you’ve found your calling- it suits you well 🙂 Now that I am finally learning more about twitter and how to really use it, it’s quickly becoming my favorite social platform!
Thanks Alisha!
Xiomara @ Parkesdale
I love my iphone to keep connected to my family I’ve met so many people on Twitter that it has become my favorite social media site.