Good morning! Today I have a quick mini-HIIT style of workout to share that you can complete in under ten minutes’ time. My goal was to put something together that can help you wake up and get your blood pumping before a shower. You can also use a workout like this to end your day with a bang and get in a final workout sesh before bed.
I absolutely love short and not-so sweet workouts. Last night, I wasn’t feeling anything crazy, but I wanted to still “earn” my shower, if you will. Is that weird? We’ll just keep rolling with it.
No matter when you prefer to shower during your day, this total body bodyweight workout was made to kick your booty in one clean 80, 70, 60, etc. rep. sweep!
Yep. I finished this circuit in under eight minutes by going straight from one exercise to the next.
By no means do you have to do the same, but… I have always preferred to work out and even run with a get-in-and-get-out mindset. The quicker (as long as the movements are controlled and performed correctly), the better!
I am assuming that most of you have probably done these exact exercises more than a time or two. For good measure, I wanted to include my tips for form and photos of the walking lunges. I hope this helps!
Exercise Tips
• jumping jacks
Jumping jacks – especially 80 of them in a row! – are great for the entire body, even your heart and lungs. There’s no doubt in my mind that you have all done these before, so here two simple tips: your feet should land shoulder width or wider as your hands meet above your head, and keep your arms slightly bent.
• crunches
Lay flat on the floor and bring your knees in so they are bent at 90 degrees. Press your lower back into the floor, tighten your core, and think of pulling your belly button into your spine. Place your hands behind your head and open your elbows wide. As you crunch up bringing your head, shoulders, and chest off of the floor, don’t strain your neck. Keep your chin down, your lower back pressed against the floor, and your abdominals tight throughout the entire exercise!
• plank hold
Get into a plank position on your elbows and toes.
Make sure your hips are in line with your shoulders, your elbows are under your shoulders, your legs are straight, and your core is tight. Hold this position tight anywhere from :30 to 1 minute without letting your back round or arch. You can always drop your knees to modify.
• bridges
Start by lying on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. They should be about hip-width apart. Arms should be resting by your sides with the palms facing the ceiling. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips and hold the position for about 2 seconds. Stay on the heels of your feet and keep squeezing your glutes. Slowly lower your hips without touching the floor and repeat.
• bicycle twists
Start on the floor with your lower back pressed into the mat or floor. Contract your core muscles. Place your hands on your head and keep your elbows wide. Lift your right knee to about a 45 degree angle. Rotate your chest so that your left elbow touches the right knee. Slowly go through a bicycle pedal motion and alternate touching your elbows from side to side.
Start standing straight with your hands on your hips and feet shoulder width apart. Step forward with one leg and drop down to a lunge.
Keep your back knee a couple of inches off of the floor. Push off of the back foot and swing it front to land in a lunge on the other leg. Keep your body straight throughout the exercise.
(Yes, I am barefoot because this was literally right before I did the workout and got in the shower.)
• push-ups
Get on the floor and position your hands slightly wider than your shoulders. Raise up on your toes. Keep your body in a straight line from your head to toe without dropping your middle or arching your back. Before you begin the push-up, contract your abs and keep your core tight. Think of pulling your belly button towards your spine.
• burpees
Start with your feet under your hips. Stand tall, then come down into a squat position with your hands on the floor (slightly wider than your shoulders) on the balls of your feet. Quickly kick your legs back and land in a plank position (your body should be parallel to the floor), then return to the squat position and then to the starting position.
Add to the intensity by jumping up at the end!
All right, I better get going. I have a busy day ahead that includes a couple of trips back and forth to the gym. I will see you guys later this afternoon with the usual What I Ate Wednesday post. Happy Hump Day!
Disclaimer: Although I am a certified personal trainer, I am not necessarily your personal trainer. The workouts I post are what work best for me and might not be the right type of exercises for you. I always recommend consulting a doctor or health professional before making changes to your diet and/or fitness routines. <3

I love this kind of workout! It’s just enough to get your blood pumping, but not long enough that you dread it. Love the idea of doing it before a shower or when you wake up!
Next time I take a shower in the morning (I almost always prefer one before bed), I’ll definitely give it a go!
Cute! What a great way to wake yourself up!
I mean… if burpees and a shower don’t wake you up, I don’t know what will! (Okay, coffee.) 😉
This is perfect for the days when I just want to get my body moving but don’t want to spend a ton of time working out! Pinning!!
Woo hoo! Let me know if you give it a try!
Love this! And I’m the same way and these were my exact thoughts yesterday morning hahaha. I needed to get that run in so I could shower.
Haha, glad to hear it’s not just me 😉
Just pinned it! Thanks for sharing. Have a great day Heather 🙂
Awesome!! I hope you like it!
This is great for when I’m sitting around watching TV. Just hop off the couch and do a mini workout.
Haha, yes! Definitely a good one to do if you need to work out but your favorite show is on 😉
I love decreasing pyramid works! The jump down in reps always motivates me to keep pushing. This looks like an awesome little study break. 🙂
I’m the same way. SO much better than working up to a dreaded high number! 😉
Great workout! Sometimes setting that time limit is the extra motivation you need. Lol…earning the shower isn’t weird at all! I totally get what you mean. 🙂
Yes!! Love quick and effective workouts like this!
Short and sweet! And barefoot workouts are beneficial, so it’s good to throw those in every once in a while. 🙂
Agreed! Maybe that’s why I like Pilates and yoga so much? 😉
Quick, yet effective workouts are my fave! Thanks!
This quick and efficient mini-HIIT workout is a great way to jumpstart your day or add a burst of energy before your shower. With a focus on total body engagement, the routine offers a time-effective approach to exercise , promoting a get-in-and-get-out mindset for those who prefer shorter yet effective workouts.