Hey there everyone… Happy Wednesday!
I can not believe it has almost been a week since I have been able to really check in with what has been going on around here. Time has flown by, and taken forever all at the same time.
If I had to choose just one word to describe my days this week: it would have to be madness. Pure, complete madness describes the process of moving across the country in a month’s time to the tee.
Since moving out of our place a week ago, I went out of town, stood beside one of my best friends at the altar, and spent the last two days back and forth across town finishing odds and ends at the condo, saying goodbye to friends, and shopping for a winter wardrobe.
For various reasons, I have spent a good three or four days at the condo like a sitting duck. Sitting, observing, and waiting for whoever is over to finish whatever they are doing.
Yesterday it was carpet repair. I showed up at 9 a.m. to let the carpet repair man go to work on a few lovely rips tears in our carpet, left by somebody in the house.
Today it will be carpet cleaning. I am hoping and praying that does not take as long as the repair did. Without the Internet, I am basically stuck at the condo with nothing to do but sit and stare. Now I know how Roadie feels. “What the heck is going on around here?”
In case you are wondering, we are not giving our cats up! I received a few questions after last week’s update when I mentioned we were dropping Aspen and Cali off at my sister’s house. No way, Jose! They are just staying with her until moving day, to try to alleviate some of the craziness going on over at my parents’ house.
You see, they have a five month old puppy who is already taller and bigger than Roadie. The two got along really well… when he was about half his size. Now, his constant ball of energy personality has Roadie even more confused, and a bit overwhelmed. We end up having to crate him a lot of the day, for his own protection.
I feel so bad for the little guy! I have been so busy running around, I have not been able to give him the attention I usually do. I wanted to take him for a run last week, and after a mile and a half it started raining – hard. Like, torrential downpour hard.
I captured this photo after taking shelter for twenty minutes, then deciding to brave the rain and sprint home. Somehow, my phone, Roadie and I made it out of the storm a-okay. Whew!
When we get up to Michigan, I can not wait to share some of the stories, experiences, and advice I have accumulated during this time. I have about ten posts on deck in my mind and no time to write and publish them. I promise to keep you updated very soon, my friends!
One day until Scott gets here.
Two days until the big drive up.
Time to reflect.
I am spending the rest of the day working on recipes on-the-go (how appropriate!), heading over to the condo, and taking my last barre class in Orlando. I am taking Roadie with me for a night at my sister’s to spend some quality time with her family and am also excited to reunite with the cats. I miss them so much. Babies!
I promise be to check in as soon as I can. Have a wonderful rest of the day and week, everyone! 🙂

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