We all go through those days, weeks, and phases in our lives and eating plans where we just don’t care. Deny it all you want, but I’m just going to go ahead and put it out there by saying this is something we all struggle with.
If you don’t, then I have a really big glittery gold star with your name on it. And a cookie.
Sometimes it’s just for “this one cheat meal”, and other times this type of “I work hard and deserve to eat whatever I want” mentality can last a few days for me. It almost always happens after I have been eating extremely clean or stricter than normal for the purpose of an audition, photoshoot, or important event, which is exactly why I never recommend doing any of those tips + tricks longer than a short-term basis in the first place.
The good news is that I always get refocused back into my normal eating schedule after I have given into the cravings. There comes a point after indulging where I literally feel sick to my stomach. I start craving fruit and vegetables and can’t believe I let myself get to that low of a point. I know this is my body’s way of giving me a reality check.
I almost didn’t do a What I Ate Wednesday post today, since the point of the series is to inspire you to eat the way your body deserves. Instead, I am pushing through it to prove a point…
Nobody’s perfect. Even in the healthy living blogger world. We all go through struggles that are food related and that aren’t. We just don’t like to highlight it… because really, who wants to regularly read about that?
With all that said, I am keeping it real today. I’m sharing a horrible day of my eating with you that happened after a day of having fun. (Oh, yeah… there was also not one but two slices of chocolate cake that remained unpictured later on too.)
And you know what? At the end of the day yesterday (after two days of getting off track), I felt awful. Mentally and physically.
Today, I am happy to report that my body is actually craving healthy food. Badly. So, just take this post with a grain of salt and know that next week should be more inspiring!
But just for kicks… let’s see the shenanigans that what went on yesterday.
What I Ate Wednesday Tuesday
Breakfast didn’t happen. I was so full from all of the nonsense I ate the day before that I skipped right over to lunch at about 12:30 p.m. Fail numero uno.
Lunch was the rest of the Chicago style deep dish pizza from PizzaPapalis the day before. While one ridiculously heavy piece would have been plenty, I went ahead and polished off two and a half pieces instead which kept me full and unmotivated for the next few hours.
Eventually, I got the urge to snack and luckily found the last of our apples in our fruit basket.
I had every intention of going to a group fitness class last night. In fact, I even coerced Scott into attending it with me. When he arrived home to quickly change and go with me, I doddled and we missed the opportunity to get to class. This, of course, turned into “we’ll just go for a run” or “go to the gym later on” instead.
I think you all can guess how successful those thoughts were…
Yeah. Instead of going to the gym, we caught up in the kitchen over a pre-dinner snack of blue corn tortilla chips and salsa. At least they were gluten-free.
We both joked how much we failed at our plans, which made me feel a little better about it. I wasn’t the only one who needed that break.
While talking, I put together a smaller monster salad that started with a power greens mix of spinach, kale, and chard.
I topped it with whatever was still good in our refrigerator which was grape tomatoes, red peppers, carrots, black olives, and sliced Southwest seasoned deli turkey. The oil and vinegar for dressing isn’t pictured, but complimented the flavors nicely.
At this point in the night, we both knew we would be spending the remainder of it preparing for yet another trip Scott left for this morning. On the way to the arena to pack some of his equipment, we both wanted a pick-me-up and my pumpkin sweet tooth got the best of me!
It’s been ages since I have even pulled through a McDonald’s drive-thru. So long, that I didn’t even know they posted calories next to their menu items. Talk about ish getting real you guys! While I was originally going to humor myself with a milkshake, that quickly turned into a Pumpkin Spice Latte for a third of the calories. And in the end, I still felt like crap.
(Could have also been the stolen bites I had of Scott’s baked pumpkin pie.)
So, moral of the story is that we all go through our triumphs and struggles, especially with eating. Through following this blog, you all know I have success with an overall clean eating healthy lifestyle, but I think it’s important to share my weaknesses with you as well. Because that’s reality, and that’s all I’m trying to portray here.
Next week will be filled with a lot more color and a lot less defeat, promise!
• If you liked this WIAW post, head on over to Peas & Crayons to check out plenty others, or even link your own!
• Also, you can always find my latest What I Ate Wednesday posts by exploring the “WIAW” tag on the right hand sidebar.

I still think you didn’t do horrible in your eating! I know the pizza and the latte, but there was goodness still there! 🙂 Thanks for the honest food post. It’s nice to see because we certainly all have cheat days. I ate half a pan of apple crisp with my husband last weekend with coconut milk ice cream on top and enjoyed every bite haha!
Apple crisp… Yum! And coconut milk ice cream? SO worth it! 🙂
Yes, we’ve ALL been there! Thanks for keeping it real. 🙂
Glad I’m not alone… 😉
Maybe I have a skewed view of eating but I don’t think this was a bad day! I think that since you have to be so restrictive a lot of days due to your job you probably feel worse than most people would for eating leftover pizza for lunch. It could have been much worse!
Haha, I guess I was a little hard on myself. I just hate when I skip breakfast. Also, I wasn’t at all proud of the McDonald’s. The latte isn’t crazy bad, but the unpictured pumpkin pie and quite a few large gulps of Scott’s milkshake was! Oh well. Getting back on track!
Love this post! I think it’s so important for people to see that we are all human. Normal eating is not eating perfect all the time so I actually love when bloggers share this side too 🙂 I’m sure you will be back to healthy eating in no time 🙂
Thanks! I enjoy reading these types of posts too. Looking forward to cooking tomorrow!
To be honest, if you hadn’t said anything about it being a bad day of eats, I never would have guessed! We definitely all go through days that are a little unhealthier than normal, but it’s all about staying balanced in the bigger picture 🙂
It’s not the worst day of eating I’ve done… (that was the day before. whoops.) but he fact that I skipped breakfast and had foods my stomach just in at used to, it felt a lot worse. Thanks for the encouragement 🙂
Love this! Life is life- it ain’t perfect! I kept getting reminded of that scene in what to expect when you’re expecting “I’m calling it, I’m calling bull****- on the whole thing,” lol 🙂 love this honest post- it’s also not going to make a difference if we have a few days or weeks that are not supposedly perfect. Xo
Couldn’t agree with you more! Love it. 🙂
Nobody’s perfect!! I ate pretty un-motivatingly too this past weekend but you know what? It was awesome getting back into the swing of things and I’m more motivated now than I was before!
I always feel exactly the same way!
This post could not have come at a more perfect time. I had a unhealthy day yesterday too! I was beating myself up a bit today because I have not had a bad day in a while. But, I got back on track today which is good to report, but seeing your post was perfect. It is always good to know that there are others who do have the same type of days and are honest about it. 🙂
I’ve never been a fan of sugar coating. If you’re ever going through a hard time or bad eating period, chances are you’re NOT alone. It’s good to share these days with you guys every once in a while 😉
OMG! Heather, I love your honesty so damn much! I’ve been following you for some time now and thought I’d finally say hello and comment. First– you are gorgeous! And I love how you can admit and recognize that we all struggle and are not perfect. I go through days that I feel really lazy and unmotivated to workout out. Sometimes it’s literally like pulling teeth to get me out the door and off my ass–lol! But remember tomorrow is always fresh and a way to begin again. Thanks again for your sincerity.
PS: I’m just a tad bit jealous you are a cheerleader–lol. I’ve always wanted to cheer. I love dancing and danced most of my life and Pom always looked like so much fun!
Oh and by the way–your eats were really not that bad at all. You still fit in veggies with your salad. Don’t be so hard on yourself!
Thanks Yaara! You are too sweet. Sometimes getting dressed in the gym clothes and getting out the door is the hardest part!
I definitely experience this too! If I have been doing especially well at working out and eating healthy, I’ll let things go for a few days and indulge in a few more breadsticks/desserts you name it. I always end up feeling like crud, and beating myself up a bit. But I think it’s all part of healthy living! 80/20 – eat healthy most of the time, indulge some of the time.
I’m exactly the same way. Half marathon training got me in a lot of trouble thinking I could eat whatever/whenever. 😉
No shame! I’ve been traveling a lot for work, which can put a major strain on motivation to eat healthy! Today I had pizza for lunch, then ate cold leftovers of said pizza for dinner. While driving. It helps to know there’s always tomorrow!
It’s always tricky to eat “normally” while traveling. Mmmm cold pizza leftovers! lol.
Good to see I’m not alone on this 😉 Falling into unhealthy eating habits creeps up too quickly on me if I don’t keep everything in check. I’m still trying to get back on track from last weeks more unhealthy food choices I made. I think it’s important not to beat ourselves up about falling off the wagon once In a blue moon. As long as we get back on and stick to moderation for the majority of the time, it’s all good 🙂
Exactly. Moderation is key… and is also what keeps me sane! 😉
I think it’s good to be realistic and know that we all have days like this sometimes! (I had a few too many like this on vacation haha) but it’s true that after eating for a few days like that, I really do CRAVE healthy food again! I think our bodies know what we need but sometimes our head gets in the way 😉
I’m all about finding that healthy balance! Could agree more.
*couldn’t!! Couldn’t agree more. 😉
I think you’re right—this happens to everyyyyyone. We all have those “I’ll just have this and THEN I’ll eat healthy the rest of the day” or “I’ll just eat a spoonful of nutella (impossible) and then work it off at the gym.” It’s nice to know that everyone has these sorts of days and even better to know that we are able to realize how much better healthy food makes us feel.
There’s no such thing as just one spoonful of Nutella. Or choc peanut butter. 😉
Thanks for being honest! Definitely happens to everyone. PS I’m not a deep dish pizza fan either but every time I’m back home and head up to Chicago I can’t resist….something about that sauce…. 🙂
I’ll give it one more shot next time I’m in CHI. 😉
Oh girl, this happens to everyone! And I think it needs to happen- we’re all human and you can’t be perfect in your eating habits 100% of the time. And besides- you need to know what it feels like to not feel the greatest with not so healthy food compared to how great you feel when you eat healthier ya know? Thanks for keeping it real girl!
It’s crazy how much those cheat days really do make you appreciate an overall healthy eating lifestyle!
LOVE that you posted this! We all have these moments. I appreciate you sharing this because it’s important to see how real people live their lives. Many people get the impression and feel pressured to be perfect by reading other healthy living blogs (I fall victim to this sometimes, too) and think “Wow! She literally only eats vegetables. I seriously eat like a pig.” Life is about balance. You do a GREAT job balancing a healthy lifestyle, so that Chicago pizza isn’t something to fret about. 🙂
I hate the concept of perfect. But you are so right! There is a lot of pressure out there to be as close to it as possible, especially when you are sharing your life via blogging. It’s nice to keep it real every once in a while! 😉